




Instances of schema:Language can have the following properties:

From class owl:Thing
phun:associatedWith owl:ObjectProperty The relation between a Brand and Media (banner/video etc corresponding to a specific campaign id); also between Org and Media - The relation between a MobileApplication and a Segment - The relation between Org and MobileApplication - The media summary is associated with the entities MobileDevice/MobileApplication/GeoHash/Media - The relation between a Place and a Brand owl:Thing
phun:belongsTo owl:ObjectProperty The relation showing that a MobileDevice belongs to a segment in taxonomy_segments or to a CustomSegment owl:Thing
phun:deliveredBy owl:ObjectProperty The relation between a MediaChannel (such as Phunware DSP/Beeswax DSP etc) and Media (banner/video etc corresponding to a specific campaign id) owl:Thing
phun:from owl:ObjectProperty The relation between a domain node and an intermediate node owl:Thing
phun:holdsAccount owl:ObjectProperty The relationship between a person and an account (an example of an account is the PhunCoinWallet account) owl:Thing
phun:isConnectedTo owl:ObjectProperty The link between a mobile device and a WiFi Access Point. owl:Thing
phun:isInstalledOn owl:ObjectProperty The link between a mobile device and mobile application based on actual usage. - The link between a wifiAccessPoint and a Place. owl:Thing
phun:isSeenInCongressionalDistrict owl:ObjectProperty The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a CongressionalDistrict. owl:Thing
phun:isSeenInPostalCode owl:ObjectProperty The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a PostalCode. owl:Thing
phun:isSeenInState owl:ObjectProperty The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a State. owl:Thing
phun:isSeenInZone owl:ObjectProperty The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a WiFi Zone. owl:Thing
phun:knowsLanguage owl:ObjectProperty The link between a person and the language known by that person. owl:Thing
phun:languageSetTo owl:ObjectProperty The link between a mobile device and its language setting. owl:Thing
phun:residesAt owl:ObjectProperty A Household resides at a physical Residence at a given point in time. This is temporal as the "Household" may move to another Residence. owl:Thing
phun:to owl:ObjectProperty The relation between an intermediate node and a range node owl:Thing
schema:containedInPlace owl:ObjectProperty The spatial relation between a GeoHash node and a City node or between a GeoHash node and a Place node. - The relation between a Place and another Place; The relation between a Place and a City - The relation between a PostalCode and Country) - The spatial relation between a State node and a CongressionalDistrict node. - The relation between a Zone and a Place - The spatial relation between State and Country. - The spatial relation between a State node and a City node. - The relation between a Residence and a City or PostalCode owl:Thing
schema:memberOf owl:ObjectProperty The link between a person and household. owl:Thing
schema:owns owl:ObjectProperty The ownership link between a mobile device and a person owl:Thing

