Instances of phun:Place can have the following properties:
From class phun:Place | |||
schema:name | owl:DatatypeProperty | The name of the brand. - The name of the WiFiAccessPoint. - The string containing the geohash of the GeoHash node. - The name of the custom segment. - The name of the organization. - The name of the mobile application. - The string containing the name of the City node. - The string containing the ISO 639 name of the language - The name of the Zone in a Place. - The string containing the name of the state (2 char) followed by a space and the CongressionalDistrict code (e.g. 'TX CD02'). - The name of the media channel. - Name of the Place - The string containing the name of the State node. - The string containing the name of the Country node. The name is the English short name (in Title Case), officially used by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA) corresponding to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code | xsd:string |
phun:address | owl:DatatypeProperty | The address for the Place | xsd:string |
phun:id | owl:DatatypeProperty | The string containing the id of the CongressionalDistrict node. The id is a concatenation: CongressionalDistrictName_StateName_CountryName(2CharCode) - The id of the postal code (postalcode_2charCountryCode). - The ID (e.g., "MC_Phunware DSP") for the media channel - The ID of the custom segment - The ID (e.g., "PW_WifiAccessPoint_12:34:mg:23") for the wifi access point - The ID for the Place - The ID (e.g., "PW_Zone_12:34:mg:23") for the zone - The string containing the id of the Country node. The id is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code - The ID for the MediaSummary - The ID of the organization - The string containing the id of the State node. The id is a concatenation: StateName_CountryNmae(2CharCode) - The string containing the id of the City node. The id is a concatenation: CityName_StateName_CountryName(2CharCode) - The string containing the id of the Language node. The id is of the form 'Language_2-char-code (ISO-639-1)', e.g., Language_en for English - The ID of the brand | xsd:string |
phun:isic_code | owl:DatatypeProperty | The ISIC code for the Place; The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is the international reference classification of productive activities. | xsd:string |
phun:naics_code | owl:DatatypeProperty | The NAICS code for the Place; The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS, pronounced Nakes) was developed under the direction and guidance of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as the standard for use by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of statistical data describing the U.S. economy. | xsd:string |
phun:polygon | owl:DatatypeProperty | The polygon for the Place (a string of space separated tuples of latitude,longitude, e.g., '30.360759,-97.743158 30.360222,-97.74113 30.359394,-97.741758 30.360759,-97.743158' ) | xsd:string |
phun:telephone_number | owl:DatatypeProperty | The telephone number for the Place | xsd:string |
From class owl:Thing | |||
phun:associatedWith | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation between a Brand and Media (banner/video etc corresponding to a specific campaign id); also between Org and Media - The relation between a MobileApplication and a Segment - The relation between Org and MobileApplication - The media summary is associated with the entities MobileDevice/MobileApplication/GeoHash/Media - The relation between a Place and a Brand | owl:Thing |
phun:belongsTo | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation showing that a MobileDevice belongs to a segment in taxonomy_segments or to a CustomSegment | owl:Thing |
phun:deliveredBy | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation between a MediaChannel (such as Phunware DSP/Beeswax DSP etc) and Media (banner/video etc corresponding to a specific campaign id) | owl:Thing |
phun:from | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation between a domain node and an intermediate node | owl:Thing |
phun:holdsAccount | owl:ObjectProperty | The relationship between a person and an account (an example of an account is the PhunCoinWallet account) | owl:Thing |
phun:isConnectedTo | owl:ObjectProperty | The link between a mobile device and a WiFi Access Point. | owl:Thing |
phun:isInstalledOn | owl:ObjectProperty | The link between a mobile device and mobile application based on actual usage. - The link between a wifiAccessPoint and a Place. | owl:Thing |
phun:isSeenInCongressionalDistrict | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a CongressionalDistrict. | owl:Thing |
phun:isSeenInPostalCode | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a PostalCode. | owl:Thing |
phun:isSeenInState | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a State. | owl:Thing |
phun:isSeenInZone | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation showing that a mobile device was active in a WiFi Zone. | owl:Thing |
phun:knowsLanguage | owl:ObjectProperty | The link between a person and the language known by that person. | owl:Thing |
phun:languageSetTo | owl:ObjectProperty | The link between a mobile device and its language setting. | owl:Thing |
phun:residesAt | owl:ObjectProperty | A Household resides at a physical Residence at a given point in time. This is temporal as the "Household" may move to another Residence. | owl:Thing |
phun:to | owl:ObjectProperty | The relation between an intermediate node and a range node | owl:Thing |
schema:containedInPlace | owl:ObjectProperty | The spatial relation between a GeoHash node and a City node or between a GeoHash node and a Place node. - The relation between a Place and another Place; The relation between a Place and a City - The relation between a PostalCode and Country) - The spatial relation between a State node and a CongressionalDistrict node. - The relation between a Zone and a Place - The spatial relation between State and Country. - The spatial relation between a State node and a City node. - The relation between a Residence and a City or PostalCode | owl:Thing |
schema:memberOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The link between a person and household. | owl:Thing |
schema:owns | owl:ObjectProperty | The ownership link between a mobile device and a person | owl:Thing |
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix phun: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
phun:Place a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Place" ;
rdfs:comment "Place" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy phun: ;
rdfs:subClassOf schema:Place .